Monday, April 30, 2007

Bus Rant

Normally my bus is way too small and has 3 to a seat. Also, every other day everyone shows up and about 10 people have to sit in the aisle. Today we had a different bus and, for some reason, it was half the size of our bus. We had to sit like 4 to a seat and about five people sat in the aisle. It was one of those crappy busses with the brown seats and an engine that died every time the bus stopped. Also, the bus driver stopped for about an hour and waited for everyone to sit in a seat but duhhhhh, THERE ARE NOT ENOUGH SEATS AND THIS BUS IS TO SMALL!!!! And these 6th graders, they were talking about how the bus would be emptier next year since it will be year-round. What they don't realize, is that we will be switching to year-round for the soul purpose of there being more students at our school! This bites. At least in high school the capacity doesn't allow more than 2 per seat.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

My Quote

I've been living my life by a quote that I'm pretty sure that I created. I think I should share it with you since it has a really good point. Here it is:

“Everything you see, hear, learn, or do, is preparing you for the day when you’ll need all of it.”


It's not really a special meaning like the one in my previous post. But if you take it literally, you'll find I have a point.


I just saw the movie NEXT and it was awesome! It's about this guy who can see 2 minutes into the future but only in his personal life. It's very violent and actiony. And there are like five major twists in the plot. They all make sense if you think about them... Anyway, there's a really good and shocking ending, but then there's a twist and the movie ends up having a stupid ending! >:( Oh well, there was this really good quote that was said two or three times in the movie. If you think about it and/or watch the movie, it makes sense. Here it is:

“If you look at the future, it changes, because you looked at it. And that changes everything else.”

-Chris Johnson (Nicholas Cage)

Teen Court: training

Today I went to Teen Court. It was awesome. It's a real court system where students of any age can run a real court and judge real criminals our ages. You get to be an attorney on either the prosecuting or defending side of each case. It's fun and you get like all you can eat snacks and pizza. Timekeeper was going to come, but for some reason he thought I wasn't going to be there so, he canceled. Sucks for him because now, he has to do the training if he changes his mind. I'm going to the official meetings now.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Basement 9

Today the guys came back. They brought a little tractor and dumped a couple tons of rock on the street. They comepletely destroyed our backyard. There isn't a single inch of grass left. They are moving the rock, bit by bit, into the basement. In a few days, a cement truck will come to concrete the ground up. It's a real mess!

Thursday, April 26, 2007


Today during gym, Sappy was bothering a bird that made it's nest in the middle of the football field. Everyone was yelling for him to stop (just like yesterday). He wouldn't, so Eric A. went up to Sappy and told him he was going to pants him. Sappy didn't believe him so, Eric pantsed him. LOL.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pokemon Diamond

Today my bro did something extra at school and didn't get home until now. This way, I got to play for 2 & 1/2 hours. And Timekeeper if you're reading this, I need to know where and how to get a bike. General Perrywaffe if you're reading this, Overlord Gir is pleased with both of us thanks to that e-mail.

Monday, April 23, 2007


The Blue Angels crash happened in Beaufort, South Carolina. So, it's actually farther from me than I thought. Sorry. Anyway, today I got Pokemon Diamond version. It's awesome but since I don't have a DS, I have to use my bro's and will therefore, have limited time to play.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

At the Beach

I'm here at the beach. We're getting a game room added onto the house. The ocean water was too cold to swim in, but we got to walk in it a bit. While my dad was cutting some wood, it fell off the bench thing that was holding it up. My dad told my to hold the bench thing while he put it back on. He pushed on it too hard and the bench thing fell on my foot! X( At first I thought my foot was broken. Then I saw that my toenail was purple and my toes weren't broken. I'm not really sure what's going to happen but, I think it might fall off. :( Right now, I just finished my "home fun" (homework in the words of Mr. Shabazz) a poet that visited our school). Now, I found out that the pilot of The Blue Angels FA-18 #6 just died in Beaufort. That's just an hour or so from our beach house! It really stinks because The Blue Angels are awesome. Oh well.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Basement 8

The guys finally came back. They were supposed to have come last week, but Bill (the contractor) was on his honeymoon. Today they came and destroyed our backyard. When I got home from school (MOR was cancelled), the garage door appeared to be broken (I go in through there). I went around back to talk to the guy and he said they disabled it so no one would steal anything if they had to open it. He fixed it, but the door on the inside was locked. I called my mom on the guy's cellphone, but she wouldn't be home for another half hour. I started reading a book but then the plumber arrived. I followed him down to watch. They had removed our house's plumbing. Basicly, we can't use any toilets or water. They tore down a wall and came in with a little tractor to start digging. They then started breaking a hole in a wall for a pipe to go through. When my mom got home, she told me that I was going to get a house key (finally!). Right now it's 9:40, and we still can't use the water.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Worst School Shooting Ever

Yesterday was the occurrence of the worst school shooting in US history. There were 33 casualties (including the gunner himself) and the gunman was a resident of the campus dormitories. No one is quite sure how he managed to kill so many people and himself before any police or security arrived to do something about it. The worst part is that so far, a motivation for this has not been found (basically, the guy had no good reason). Also, this was at Virginia Tech University which is actually not that far from my school. Maybe a 2-4 hour drive. He killed the students and staff that were trying to help other victims. Really sad 8(

Sunday, April 15, 2007

ATHF Party

My mom didn't let me watch the ATHF Movie. Oh well. I still got to play 5 hours of Online HALO 2 until my brain rotted at 3:30 am. Then we went bowling. Timekeeper played stacker about fifty times. One time, he made it to the last row and was as close as ever to winning a USB memory storing watch.

P.S. I accept Timekeeper's challenge to compete in the Blogathon. What do I have to do?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


There is an update to the blog. If you scroll down to the bottom of this screen, you will see that there is a countdown letting us know how much longer we will have to bare the tyranny of our leader. LOL! So yes, I'm a Democrat.

P.S. Movie party on Friday!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sick at School

Today I was sick at school. I wasn't sick when I left at home. When I finished my quiz in first block (math), I started feeling nauseous. Almost as if I was carsick. Jackson (the kid next to me) kept bugging me about the way I was acting so I let him know that I was not feeling good. The teacher sent me to Student Services. I called my mom's cell phone but she didn't answer so, I left a message. I proceeded on to second block (social studies) which was being held in the media center computer lab. I immediately began feeling severely nauseous upon entrance. I panicked but tried to wait it out like in the morning. When it got worse I told the teacher I was going to be sick and I ran out of the room. I instinctively headed towards the restroom. There were several eighth graders walking around and in the restroom. I ran in and vomited all over the entrance. The eight graders started yelling while I continued to puke. They called Mr. Birch (staff member) and he sent me to Student Services. I called my mom's cell phone again but she didn't answer. I called home but that call was not answered either. I finally asked the staff member in the room to look up my dad's cell phone number because I had forgotten it. She found that and his work number. I dialed his cell phone number and he answered. I told him that I just threw up and I wanted to go home. He told me he'd be right over. I gathered my things and went into the front office to wait for him. By now my shoe began stinking of shoe barf. When my dad arrived we went home. He told me that as he was leaving to come get me, my mom called and told him that she got my message and she was coming over. I got home and tried to sleep but I wasn't tired enough. I had a very light lunch and now I feel better. I guess I could have stayed at school but, county policy states that if a child gets sick, he/she must be removed from campus for the next 24 hours. Of course no one takes the '24 hours' part seriously. I did have to leave for the rest of the day. I didn't do anything that would upset my stomach but if it's a bug, why did it pass so quickly? Oh well, I feel good now.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Mouse in School

Today was the first day back at school and it stunk. I found the hoodie I lost before break. I also found a mouse. It was dead because it had been run over by the bleachers in the gym. They are on wheels and move very quickly. The poor mouse didn't see it coming. It wasn't bleeding or anything so, I picked it up by the tail. It wasn't gross or anything, it reminded me of my former pet hamster. I showed it to Coach Kingston and he started freaking out. He acted as though I was infected by the black plague! He told me to put it on his notebook then he sent me to wash my hands. As I was heading towards the restroom, I heard loud screams as he passed the girl's locker room.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Spring Break Day 9 (Last Day)

Today we had an Easter party. There were about eleven people our age. The worst of them was this guy named Phillip (pronounced "feeleepee"). No one likes him but he always comes because his mom is cool. Our room is really messy and anything and everything that can be taken apart is completely destroyed. This nicer kid sat on my bro's video gaming chair and started leaning backwards. Eventually the chair gave out under his weight and the back rest broke in half. This Easter sucked and the Easter Bunny is trying to kill me. He came really close this time with his poisonous marshmallow bunnies. I knew he was comming because whenever I go to the mall, his hitman just keeps staring at me with those huge, unblinking, eyes. There's school tomorrow AND THAT STINKS!!!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Spring Break Day 8

Today my bro went to an easter egg hunt at the local YMCA. The age limit was 5th grade (not that I wanted to go). Now I'm at home with my mom and my dad who just got back from Istanbul, Turkey. It was a kind of long business trip.

Friday, April 6, 2007

Spring Break Day 7 & Basement 7

No one came today but we noticed some orange lines drawn on the grass. Not sure what they represent. The guys are gonna be back next week no matter what.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Basement 6

Today some people came over in a pickup truck and left after a while. I think they just looked around. Not sure though.

Spring Break Day 6

Yesterday around 11 0'clock pm, the light started flickering in my room. I thought the light bulb was burning out so I waited. When it went out, so did the rest of the house. I struggled to find my door in the pitch black. My bro and I went to our mom's room. We stayed there for a while with a few flashlights. Finally we decided to go to bed. My mom said that she woke up at 1 am when the power came on because the fan in her room was switched on. The whole area as far as we could see was blacked out for those 2 hours.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Spring Break Day 5 & Basement 5

These windows weren't here yesterday in the morning. The guys didn't come today but soon they are going to shut off our water to do the plumbing. I hope we don't have to go to the bathroom during that.LOL!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Basement 4 and Other Things

The guys left our basement after working all day. They built in several windows and it's finally bright enough to see in the basement. They also cut two door holes. When they left, we found that they discovered an arrow (from my bro's bow and arrow kit) that he had lost.
A few minutes ago there were these bright flashes in the sky. At first we thought they were lightning, but there was no thunder and they were not quite bright enough. We decided that they might be camera flashes, but we found no people and there were too many of them.
After that, we saw a UFO. It was definitely not an airplane! It was bright enough to see that it was a triangle. There were lights on it that were flashing like on a squad car. Instead of having a red light on each wing and a white light on the nose, it had a white light on one wing and a red light on the other. It also had a red light on the nose. I didn't get a picture but I did have two witnesses with me.
The wind kept changing direction every few seconds and the sky was very cloudy. It's perfect for a storm.

Basement 3

It tripped yet again. I asked him what was happening and he said that there was only one power socket down there. They are designed to handle one device at a time. These guys plugged in two electric saws and an air compressor on that single socket. I decided to leave the garage open because this could be happening several more times.

Basement 2

The power tripped again. This is getting really annoying. It's weird because only the internet and phone are affected. I didn't even think they would be messing with the electricity yet. Maybe they plugged in to many power tools. Oh well.


For some time now, we have been planning on furnishing our crawl space into a basement. Yesterday, these guys dropped off some lumber on our driveway. Today we woke up to this loud racket coming from below. During breakfast, it seemed as though the floor would give at any moment. Luckily it didn't. This crane came and the guys used it to lift some (apparently heavy) metal boards onto our lawn. This morning a guy rang our doorbell but because our mom told us not to let them know we were home alone. Just now, he rang again so we decided he must have a good reason. The internet and the phone wasn't working so, we couldn't ask our mom if it was okay. We answered the door and the guy told us that the power tripped and he needed to see our breaker box. I showed it to him and now the internet is back.
The entire house is shaking now. I'm starting to believe the kitchen will fall off (LOL)! They said it would be done by early June but with all this noise, I think it will be much sooner.

Spring Break Day 4

We're back from the beach and my mom is leaving for work. She is a teller at a bank. We (my bro and I) are going to be alone for 5 hours.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Spring Break Day 3

Today we went to the Aquarium and I got at least 20 mosquito bites. We made cookies that were super, extra, good. Today we head back home. We got word from a contractor that construction on our basement will begin ASAP. If it's done soon enough, I'll throw an end of school/birthday party.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Spring Break Day 2

The hot water is fixed and so is the garage door. Everyone is gone except me, my bro, my mom, and our friend.

P.S. Daniel likes Tyasia!

Pay no attention. This is here to bother Daniel (our friend).