Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Party at Jason's

Yesterday my bro and I decided to go to Frankie's (the place with the go-karts). We decided to invite Jason to come with us. When we got to his house, we discovered that it was his birthday! So, we went to Frankie's with Jason and Daniel (Jason's friend). We had and awesome time and then we slept over. We saw a crappy movie that was about some guy (played by Tom Cruise) who worked at a place where they could predict crimes, but then it says he will commit one. I know it sounds good, but it actually sucks. It's not even worth remembering the name. So it ended at around 2 o'clock. We pranked Jason's older sister by using his label maker. We made a label that said "kick me," "drunk," and "pranked". Then we got a bottle of root beer and labeled it as "beer". We put the labels on her face and the bottle touching her mouth. When she woke up, she was really pissed. Then we had waffles (real not frozen). We hadn't slept at all during the night (not even a second). We went to sleep after breakfast. We slept for about two hours but when I woke up, A.J. (Jason's next door neighbor) was there. He had put ranch dressing on our arms while we were sleeping. I'm not sure why he did it, but Jason's mom was furious. Then we left at about 10 o'clock and went back to sleep. We woke up at 4:00 and had some more breakfast. At 6:00 we had lunch and we just finished having dinner. That was some party.


I've created a WeeMee. It is a little virtual version of me. You can hang out with friends and have fun. So click on the title and make your own.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My CyberTwin

You may have noticed the new My CyberTwin feature in my blog. It's a computer program that talks back to you as it thinks I would. Be aware that it is not actually me talking, it may say things that do not represent how I feel, and it has not been perfected so therefore, some of the answers may not make sense. I know this because I have tryed it out on someone else's blog. I guess it's sort of pointless but, it's neat! However if you do talk with my CyberTwin, I will be able to view the entire conversation and therefore, it will be almost as though you are talking directly to me.


I haven't blogged in a VERY long time because nothing has happened. But yesterday, something did. My brother and I were riding our bikes right before the thunderstorm was expected. We were planning to head back when the rain started. Unfortunately, the lightning came first. We began our journey home when suddenly, the rain started. With rain drops the size of golf balls, it hurt like BB's. Anyway, we barely made it home and we were soaked down to the bone. It was fun!