Saturday, April 28, 2007


I just saw the movie NEXT and it was awesome! It's about this guy who can see 2 minutes into the future but only in his personal life. It's very violent and actiony. And there are like five major twists in the plot. They all make sense if you think about them... Anyway, there's a really good and shocking ending, but then there's a twist and the movie ends up having a stupid ending! >:( Oh well, there was this really good quote that was said two or three times in the movie. If you think about it and/or watch the movie, it makes sense. Here it is:

“If you look at the future, it changes, because you looked at it. And that changes everything else.”

-Chris Johnson (Nicholas Cage)

1 comment:

Frank Campisano IV said...

BTW Plot Twists shouldn't make sense lol.
