Sunday, May 13, 2007

Troggie on GH 2

Yesterday I went to a friends house for their college graduation party. We played Guiter Hero 2 and guess what, it had Trogdor on it. It said "Trogdor as performed by Strongbad". It was exactly the same as on the internet. It was awesome. If you click on "Troggie on GH 2" it will take you take you to the video. The one on the game even had all the parts where it just stops and Strongbad talks. But the song ended when Strongbad said "and then Trogdor comes in the NIGHT!!!!!!" I played it really good and I'm sure Troggy would be proud. I'm considering buying that game and console just so I can play Trogdor!

1 comment:

Frank Campisano IV said...

Stopped reading after "Guitar Hero" but Strong Bad intrigued me.